Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thank You

Even though they don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia, that doesn't stop me from wanting to reflect on the things I am thankful for:
  • Walks through the city with my love
  • My family whom I miss terribly, especially this week
  • My friends who make me laugh from 8,000 miles away
  • New opportunities with each day
  • Mashed potatoes and gravy
  • The beach
  • Facebook (yes, I know)
  • Vegemite on toast
  • Our new dining room table, on which we'll celebrate our first Aussie style Thanksgiving
  • Region free DVD players
  • And most of all, I'm thankful for the opportunity to follow my dreams, everchanging and random as they are

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pure Unadulterated Happiness

Memories of a time when life was simple, weekends consisted of hanging out at the mall and sleepovers, and tapes could still be played in cars.  All these things came flooding back when I saw this, and it made me smile...a lot.

So, to the person/people who organized this boy band extravaganza and the boys themselves, thank you for making my day, week and month.  My memories will forever be grateful.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Good One

We all have that one friend. The one that always knows what to say, the one that we go to when we need advice, or help, or a ride to the airport. She's the reliable one, the strong one, the GOOD one.

I recently had a conversation with this one friend. I was talking to her about work and life and that place in our day-to-day that we sometimes go when we are feeling a little lost and unhappy. And as usual, she told me exactly what I needed to hear at that very moment. And that was, "you need to read Linchpin by Seth Godin."

If you're not familiar with Seth's work, you should be. Regardless of what you do for a living and where you are in your life, Seth's books will speak to you. He is AMAZING. Now, in normal conversation, I have been known to throw that word around haphazardly, but this time, no other word could describe this man. For the full scoop, click here.

This book will change your life. Again, NOT exaggerating. It will rewire everything you've ever thought about work and what you think you should be doing.

I'm not a book reviewer, or a publisher or an expert on those types of things. But I do know that this book has helped a bajillion people, myself and my good friend included. So if you're feeling a little lost and unsure of the next steps in any facet of your life, please read this book. You may not be at that place yet, but one day you will be.

Just do it, seriously. It will help you. I bet our friendship on it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Freedom of Speech

I've been battling a sore throat, a fever and all around feeling crappy for the last few days, and its made me miss a few things.  I missed the first full weekend of amazing weather in Sydney, Yoga Aid on Sunday (108 sun salutations for charity), the lululemon Bondi Junction Grand Opening Party, and a few days of work.

It's been pretty shitty, needless to say.  But the thing I miss the most is my voice.  Granted, I can talk, but it hurts.  So I try to save my words for important things and just let the rest fall by the wayside.

It's amazing how not being able to talk makes you think about all the things you want to say when you can and how quickly we take something like this for granted. 

So the next time you use your words for hate, anger or petty needless remarks, remember that your voice can easily be taken should probably use it for better things.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Wrong in all the right ways

I'm currently obsessed with this song, its message and the video. Loved P!nk back in her gangsta days and have continued to be amazed by her voice, her talent, her six-pack abs and her HOT bike racing hubby.

So enjoy...I know I will.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Wow, it's been way too long since I've posted. It might have been the move to Australia, but I'm here now and here to stay.

I've been inspired by many things as of late and I want to share them with you. Lots and lots of exciting things to come.

I've missed you.