Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Good One

We all have that one friend. The one that always knows what to say, the one that we go to when we need advice, or help, or a ride to the airport. She's the reliable one, the strong one, the GOOD one.

I recently had a conversation with this one friend. I was talking to her about work and life and that place in our day-to-day that we sometimes go when we are feeling a little lost and unhappy. And as usual, she told me exactly what I needed to hear at that very moment. And that was, "you need to read Linchpin by Seth Godin."

If you're not familiar with Seth's work, you should be. Regardless of what you do for a living and where you are in your life, Seth's books will speak to you. He is AMAZING. Now, in normal conversation, I have been known to throw that word around haphazardly, but this time, no other word could describe this man. For the full scoop, click here.

This book will change your life. Again, NOT exaggerating. It will rewire everything you've ever thought about work and what you think you should be doing.

I'm not a book reviewer, or a publisher or an expert on those types of things. But I do know that this book has helped a bajillion people, myself and my good friend included. So if you're feeling a little lost and unsure of the next steps in any facet of your life, please read this book. You may not be at that place yet, but one day you will be.

Just do it, seriously. It will help you. I bet our friendship on it.

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